domenica 26 ottobre 2014

My Fitness-Health Routine

 how I stay fit?

So many people always ask me: how do you stay fit? So here is everything I do to maintain a healthy, strong and fit body.

For me is not only about being thin: of course I have to be a certain degree of thinness, otherwise I would not have jobs anymore as a model!
BUT I am also a medical student, that means, I need energy to get trough a day 07.00 to 00.00, normally standing for the most of the time if I am in ward... or studying, which requires a healthy brain.

Do I count calories? No, normally not. I developed an eye to judge if a meal is healthy or not, without having to count every single element. 
If you are starting a healthy regimen I strongly suggest you to track your calories intake for a couple of "standard" day to see what it is.

Based on my height and weight (5' 9'' and around 118 lb) and activity level, my caloric intake to maintain my weight is between 1550 and 1750 Kcal per day.

So... I try to eat healthy most of the times. I stay away from junk food, over processed food, fried deliciousness... you got it :)
I try to eat lot of salads, vegetables, and complex carbs. I don't eat simple carbs anymore because I got used to the rich taste of whole grains, so white bread now it's not that good anymore for me!
Plus, I have lot of water retention with it, and it makes me sleepy and grumpy, so I try to stay away from it.
But I love sushi. Adore sushi.
I also don't use pre made sauces, I cook everything I can, so I know it's healthy. It's really not that complicated.

(quick sauce for your salads: EV Olive Oil, Balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper: done!)

Do I workout? YES! Not to loose weight, but because if I don't workout, I don't feel complete. And believe me, this is coming from the biggest couch potato ever! I used to HATE sports... I just had to find motivation and something that I LOVE to do.
You should have FUN!

I fell in love with sport starting the Pilates Blogilates Workouts from Cassey Ho on youtube ( they are free, 10 minutes long (you have to build your 40-50 min of workout from it, and she is so funny... it's like working out with your best friend! In the blink of an eye, you are finished. And Oh My! how hard they are! Never, make fun of Pilates. I got my KILLER abs from it!

(yes there is a Skyrim map behind me...)

Just a month after starting Blogilates

I did a whole year following Blogilates calendars... (there is a beginner one to start, so you can get used to the moves and gain strength!) It's 1h per day... not bad. I did it right before bed, so I was sure to do it every day.
beginner's calendar!

Now I am all about Piyo.
Piyo is BeachBody workout. From BeachBody I used to do Brazilian Butt Lift (amazing!)
Its a hybrid between Pilates, Yoga, and Strength training. It's short (the longest workout is 40 minutes approximatively) and really enjoyable. 
I didn't see a difference in my muscles, that means (coming from blogilates) that this workout is comparable for the results you get, but It includes also a lot of yoga poses which are really liberating to do! You will feel flexible in no time!

I have to thank the amazing Diane Mary (from for making me discover Piyo... She is also a BeachBody Coach! Be sure to use this link to purchase Piyo, so that she will be your coach! Http:// 
If your order it through a Coach you also receive an additional free workout, "Hardcore on the Floor, which is amaaazing!!

It comes with 3 discs, so make sure you have something to play it (I usually use my Xbox, just because I am a gamer!)

Occasionally I enjoy a hour of tennis with my friends, but I tend to get angry because of my poor skills :P

That's all!
So, start to live healthy NOW! 
Love you

domenica 22 dicembre 2013

How To Lose Weight and Be Toned: The Healthy Way

First, you need to understand if you have to loose weight 

It’s not (all) about beauty and external appearance, although we have to admit that the primary drive for losing weight is normally the desire to have a slimmer, model look like body.
I personally think that EVERY body shape is beautiful, and our perception of beauty changes a lot, especially today where something that’s in fashion now, will be totally old and boring in 3 months! Just think about the sex icon Marilyn Monroe: every woman wanted her body back in the days, but now a body like hers will be judged “fat”. What is wrong with all us??

We need to think of it on a health prospective: with overweight can come a LOT of other health problems, that will make your life miserable. Really. You imagine a day when you can’t go pick up your children at school because you have no breath to walk? Or when you have to take dozen of pills a day that should LOWER your risk of death? Don’t you understand how precious life is? We have only one! Wy waste it?

Some problems linked with overweight and obesity are: hypertension, congestive heart failure, pulmonary embolism, metabolic syndrome (called also the death syndrome or X syndrome), high cholesterol level, back and joint pain, some types of not so funny cancers like bowel cancer (do you know how have to live the bowel cancer’s patients? Scary), breast, uterin, difficulty to breath, asthma,... And the list goes on and on.


The BMI is a controversial method to estimate if you are overweight: I said controversial because it takes into account only your height and weight, and not how your weight is composed: a bodybuilder can be as heavy as a morbidly obese person, but you can understand that one is much more healthier than the other (of course if he’s not taking meds to pump up the muscles!)
BUT, this comes into consideration only if you are a strong athlete: if not, you can easily use BMI to find out if you are overweight.

To find out your BMI you just have to do: Kg / m^2 (or use this siteCalculate your BMI ), and if you score:

Underweight <18.5
Healthy Weight 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight 25 - 29.9
Obesity         30 - 34.9
Severe Obesity 35 - 39.9
Extreme obesity (omg!) > 40

So... From 24.9 you should start to get yourself together!! Now is your new star. It’s now your time to shine! Don’t let other tell you something else! Commit to a new you, a healthier you!
Start now. It takes 21 days for a new habit to become accepted from our body: just stick to it for a month, and you will be in a whole different place of being!

The 3 fundamental aspects you need to focus on in order to lose weight are:
  • Dietary habits
  • Physical activity
  • Behavior modifications

Overweight and obesity are disease of energy imbalance. Therefore you need to understand how and when you are using that energy (your exercise) and how and when you are consuming it (as part of your daily food intake).

Dietary Habits

The principal point here is to reduce your calories intake. If you are overweight you probably are eating more than you need. Find out where!
For making this, you need to TRACK ALL what you eat. ALL. Don’t skip on it! I assure you, we usually underestimate how many calories we eat!
There are some cool app for iPhone, i like the MyFitnessPal a lot! It’s free!

The national Lung, Heart and Blood Institute recommend to start with a diet that is 500-1000 calories below your normal calories intake. Here is why you need to count your calories! This will assure you alone a goal of losing about 1-2 lb. per week.
You can reduce your calories for example:

  • Reducing your portion size (use smaller plates!!)
  • Eating more fruits and veggies
  • Consuming more whole grains products
  • Selecting leaner cuts of meat
  • Drinking water or unsweetened teas instead of caloric beverages

So you see? You don’t need a strict diet! You can enjoy your favorite chocolate brownies, just eat 1 instead of 5!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines for Americans says you should have a diet rich in whole grains (Stop buying industrial and over processed food! Choose brands that are natural and healthy), vegetables, fruits, fibers (buy frozen vegetables if you don’t like to go shop for veggies all the time), try consuming fish (two serving, 8 oz, per week), decrease sodium (you will appear immediately 3 or 4 Kg leaner and toned), limit greasy, processed, fried, salty food (I know! They are good! But your brain is built to considering them good for the time of starvation: are you starving? I don’t think. So don’t listen to it!!)

In general you should assume 45-60% of calories from carbs, 20-35% from fat, and 10-35% from proteins.
Also, a daily intake of an average of 35g of fiber is important! Fibers keep you full and satisfied, they help your digestion, they give you hight quality energy!

If you find it difficult to manage your calories intake (it’s sometimes difficult and annoying to count calories) you can use meal replacements. Just make sure they are FDA approved and healthy. Their use has been shown to result in a weight loss of 7-8%!

The Low Carbs - High Protein diet

It’s an ungoin area of investigation. These diet are based on the concept that carbs are the primary food that overweight people eat, and they can lead to insulin resistance.
The South Beach, Zone, Sugar Buster diet recommend 40% of carbs in your dietary intake.
The Atkins diet only 10%.
Those diets are really effective in lowering BMI, improving heart diseases, increasing HDL,  decreasing triglycerids, controlling satiety.
However, after 12 months, there is no significant difference between a low fat diet or a low carbs diet. It's the will power to stick to the diet the key of success, not really the type of diet.

High Volume Diet

This is a simple strategy to lose weight: if you increase the amount of water and fiber, you are ingesting food that is emptier of calories, but satisfies you and gives you the right amount of energy. For example, after potato chips of cheese, you have eaten a LOT of calories but you are still hungry. If you eat the same amount of fruits, veggies, whole grains, oatmeal, lean meat, you are full and you have eaten a lot less calories.
So choose you food in a smart way if you are hungry!

Very Low Calorie Diets

They can be used only for a fast but SHORT weight loss: they are not healthy!
The idea is to assume less than 800Kcal per day. I have tried it, it’s EXTREMELY hard and you will have really little to no energy, so you will perform bad at work, school, sports... But they work: you can lose 12-23 Kg in 3-6 months.
You should ALWAYS be followed by a doctor for a Very Low Calorie Diets. And I mean, real doctor. Not those improvised nutritionists!! 

Physical Activity

Exercise alone can make you leaner only if your BMI is already near 23-24. If your BMI is above 24, you need to watch your diet also!
The combination of diet and exercise works really good, because while you melt the fat away, you will also tone! You don’t want giggly arms and belly, do you? Toning is ALL when we look at model-like or lean beach type of bodies. They don’t just are skinny. They are toned!
The exercise is important also because you need to maintain your new lower weight!
You should engage in 150 min per week of moderate intensity exercise or 75 of high intensity activity. You can also spread it throughout your week, but you should do a minimum of 15 min pro session.
To lose weight fast with your diet, 300 min are recommended! Choosing a program like P90X, Insanity, Brazilian Butt Lift or my beloved Blogilates is really helpful, because they usually have already a weekly program ready for you!

After a session of Workout my muscles always look huge!

So... You don’t have excuses! I’m a full time med student, I work, but I still find time to workout 40min per day (not every day). Instead of watching 40 min of tv, I workout. It’s about priorities. Do you want to lose weight? You will find the time! You will find the time to be healthy!!
It’s about little things: for example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to school, you will burn a lot of calories just doing simple things!
And also: fitness is a journey. Start slow and build yourself into the routine! You are not expected to perform at your best or finish the entire program the first day you start. But every day, you will be able to add 5 min, or 5 reps, and in less than a month you will be able to do things you never imagined! So cool!!

Remember that if you are overweight because of a health condition (like PCOS, Cushing syndrome, and other hormonal imbalances) you need to address the underlying disease first.
Obesity related to genes is extremely rare.

In the next article I will write about how to create a balanced food lifestyle (not a diet! We don't like to "diet" here on A Model Advices!)

giovedì 5 dicembre 2013

I'm HUNGRY! Wait... are you really?

You know the feeling. You are hungry! Check the clock... it's not meal time... and maybe you just dated your snack a couple hours before...

You go to the kitchen and open the fridge: but WAIT!

Are you really Hungry?

We have to take a step back and look at what is hunger.
From a physiological meaning, hunger is something different from appetite, that is basically the lust to eat, in a psychological sense.
Hunger is a complex mechanism controlled by many factors, like the blood sugar levels, your habitus (!) and hormones.
In this orchestra of factors, the main character is the hypothalamus, that receive signals from the rest of the body, in form of hormones, the long distance messenger in our body.

So... who is sending those messages?
The gastro intestinal tract for exemple sends:
- Ghrelin (from an empty stomach): stimulates hunger
- Cholecystokinin (in the first tract of the intestine): decrease the hunger in response to fat entering the small intestine
- The YY Peptide (intestine): decrease hunger

The blood: stimulate hunger if there aren't enough carbs (sugars) in the blood
From fat tissue: Leptin (is relevant just because there are some medical conditions associated with a disfunction of this hormone, that can lead to overweight, but they are really rare)

Also hormone from the circadian system, that regulates your sleep cycles, can influence it. For example, if you don't sleep enough, your hunger will be increased.

Now we understand a little better how we work. It's again time to ask ourself: are we really hungry?
Things that can trick you into believing you are hungry when you are not are:

- Are you annoyed?
You could just be a little bored, and, yeah, you want to grab that cookie. And then another. Red flag!
Solution: engage in something AWAY from the kitchen, the best is to go out, do some shopping!

-"It's my usual time to eat, so I'm hungry"
Red flag again! You are hungry or not? If it's time to eat, but you are not REALLY hungry, wait a bit. Eating just when you are really hungry is a key for be lean!

- Watching TV:
It's know that we tend to eat when we watch TV. Don't! It's just an habit.
solution: drink something, like a coffee (better black without sugar or with stevia) or drink plenty of green tea. Some people say it boost the metabolism and keep you full... It's not proven, but I find it to be true!

- You are stressed
Yes Yes. That's a common one. But really, why would you make things worst?
solution: Instead of "punching" your stomach with unnecessary food, grab on of those "stress ball" to squeeze, or again, go for a walk, do a workout.

- Other people are eating
And so what?? The have your stomach? No. Whose is the body? Your.
solution: if you are forced to eat and sit at the table (which I find totally absurd) with other, grab some green tea, a coffee and let them know that you are following you body needs, not the needs of everybody else.

- I have a craving
Also popular! What do you crave the most? I always crave greasy food! If you crave some junk food and you are really hungry, eat it. Then stay light on the next meal.
solution: if you are not really hungry but it's just a craving, plan to eat your favorite food in the next meal. Expectations are always better then the actual act! Then drink something.

You may notice that I advice you to drink a lot: this will stretch the wall of your stomach, if you are not really hungry, will satisfy your sensation.
I find that warm beverages like teas and coffee are the best.

The problem with fake hunger is that, for example, if you are fake hungry at 17, you will eat, then your dinner will be messed up, because if you eat at 17 you want to eat at 19? I don't think, so you will be likely to have Night Hunger, that's the worst for your body, because in the night your metabolism is super low, and you will store everything you eat. Not funny!

Now, every time you go to the fridge, ask yourself if it's a Fake or a True Hunger!

Look like a Victoria's Secret model WITHOUT starving yourself!

I hear you: you want to get FIT! In shape! Yes you do!

As a model, I know how the way you look can have a huge impact on your life. After all, it wouldn't be simpler to be born with a Victoria's Secret body, a crazy metabolism and the ability to eat all the junk food and stay lean? Yeah... That's the kind of superpower I would like to have!

Breaking news: you don't need to starve yourself to look like a model!
Yes, I personally eat whatever I want when I want it. Of course I don't eat junk food at every meal, but that's because I actually also LOVE healthy food. I never counted calories, and I never will!

After all, if you are trying to have a BOMB body but you starve yourself, you only will be miserable and unhappy. It's that what you want? I don't think so!

So come and join me, exercise with me, follow my advices on what to eat, and you WILL have a Victoria's Secret body for the rest of your life!

Remember, the secrets to a perfect body are:
- Be happy (so don't starve yourself)
- Eat healthy (but don't be obsessive)
- Exercise (not just to burn calories, but to have a TONED body!)
- Walk with confidence every day of your life
- acknowledge that there are NO MISTAKES in the way you live your life. If you eat a Super Saucy Indulgent Burger, don't punish yourself, don't think you have screwed up all your efforts. Be Gorgeous is a Long Term Relationship!
- be committed to yourself only (ignore ignorant people around you that seems to know better how YOU should live YOUR life... are we kidding??)

with all my love,